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Integración de Componentes

Amplia variada de componentes disponibles para la gestión de tus trámites y sus procesos.

Mobile screens

Amigable Interfaz Móvil

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QR Code
Scan QR code to test on your device

Características Destacadas

Ahorro de tiempo

Start your development process fast and easy with Node.js and Gulp setup. Configuration files are included in download package. Full tasks automation.


Around is built using Sass. Easily change colors, typography and much more. It is the most mature, stable, and powerful CSS extension language in the world.

Ahorro de insumos

No need to write huge amount of HTML, if you don’t want to. Pug provides features not available in plain HTML like variables, includes, mixins, functions…

Reduce la necesidad de la movilidad

Around is the powerful e-commerce front-end solution based on Bootstrap 5 - the world's most popular responsive, mobile-first front-end component library.

Evación de filas

Besides styling all default Bootstrap 5 components Around introduces lots of new flexible, customizable and reusable elements you can use across the website.

Fácil consulta del estado del trámite

It's not a surprise that nowadays over 70% of users surf the inernet and shop online using their mobile devices. Around is 100% responsive and optimized for small touch screens.

Pago en línea

Around uses Google fonts which are free, fast to load and of very high quality. Currently Google fonts library includes 900+ font families to choose from.

Licencia firmada siempre disponible en línea

In the era of touch screens it's important to ensure great user experience on handheld devices, especially when it comes to such frequently used interface component as slider.

Rápida resolución para el solicitante

Around is equiped with font-based icon pack and svg icons to ensure that infographics and interface icons look sharp on any device with any screen resolution and pixel density.

Reportes personalizados

All HTML files are checked via W3C validator to ensure 100% valid code. As you probably know invalid HTML limits innovation, but Around is innovative at its core.

Datos Estadísticos

Around core scripts as well as all dependencies are written in vanilla JS. The only component that requires jQuery is Bootstrap itself. But that will change soon. And whent this happens we will drop jQuery altogether.

Siempre disponible

Download package includes links to online documentation. It covers all crucial information about how to get started, customize template and components usage.

...y muchos beneficios más.
